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Welcome to Arkansas!

The state of Arkansas is home to just over 3,000,000 people and is known for many
things especially diamond and crystal mines which are likely our most unique
features. We have the Creator of Diamonds State Part just south of Hot Springs.
People come from all over to spend time digging for diamonds. Any diamond you
find is yours to keep with no added fees, which is kind of nice.
Also, around the Hot Springs area is one of the largest crystal deposits in the world.
Many people are attracted to this area to shop and dig for crystals. There are
several crystal mines close to this area.

Arkansans enjoy reasonable mild weather during the winter especially in the
Southern part of the state. Summers, though, can be a bit hot and humid.
In many ways Arkansas is a great place to live since there is a wide variety of
scenery which is great for the adventurous type.

Connecting Consciousness membership is growing in our state and we warmly
welcome new members every month, all happy to connect and meet with like
minded people!

Bob Thomason - Arkansas CoordinatorBob ♦ Arkansas State Coordinator

I’m excited to be a part of the Connecting Consciousness organization and to serve as the Arkansas Coordinator. I live in South Arkansas where I've lived most of my life. I have a grown son and daughter. My son, his wife, and my granddaughter live in the central part of the state. As you might imagine, I love being a grandfather ("Pi") and playing with my three-year old granddaughter. Since they live a good distance away I don't visit as often as I would like but technology allows me to visit via video call each week.

I’ve been on a spiritual path for about fifteen years and found Simon's videos about three years ago. Simon's message, as with a few others, resonates with my feelings.

On the business side, I've been a business owner for more than forty years. Pretty much all of my work has been in the electronics industry with a number of different business ventures. About thirty years ago I created a technology business with a focus on programming and equipment support. That business is still active today with a number of clients that have been with me for more than fifteen years.

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