Welcome to California!

CC California brings together both virtually and in person, those of us who see past
the constructs of the false narrative presented to us every day. We come together to
bring them into light, then envision and co-create the New Earth. This New Earth lives
deep in our memories as the world we know once existed and can exist again; one of
cooperation, compassion, kindness, creativity and abundance. One where all living
thins are honored and valued. Where wealth is shared, individual gifts are
encouraged and celebrated.

Our projects and activities serve to help those who wish to live as free people under
their own sovereignty and to help educate others. Our gatherings are explosions of
joy and fun; as finding likeminded souls, we can actually be ourselves without having
to censor what we think and feel.

We support each other in our individual journeys during this perilous time of
transition from the old world of oppression and suppression the the New Earth of
openness and integrity.

Maria Teresa ♦ California - North Counties Coordinator
(Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo and Yuba)

I am originally from South America, Chile, but I have been a resident of Marin County, CA for a great part of my life. I grew up in a bilingual, bicultural, Italo-Chilean household and from a very young age, I dreamt of far away places and speaking other languages…

I love art, music, nature, traveling, learning; and overall, I value connecting with others to co-create more harmonious environments. The philosophy of Connecting Consciousness fits with my principles, as well as, ideals of how to raise the vibration to experience life in the upcoming New Era.

I am looking forward to getting to know the Northern CA CC members and share with them insights, events, projects, and beyond…

Suzanne ♦ California - Central Counties Coordinator
(Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Fresno, Inyo, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Monterey, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, Tulare and Tuolumne)

I am a lifelong resident of Gilroy, California where I grew up on a farm, loving the animals and the magnificent redwoods I lived amongst.  These experiences helped me understand my soul purpose of assisting humanity and Gaia ascend to a joyful, fulfilled, and peaceful reality.  As I pondered how I could manifest my vision, I found Simon and Becky and resonated deeply with their vision and purpose.  After following them for several years, I joined Connecting Consciousness in April 2023 and my heart sang, knowing I had found my home and was able to utilize my life skills in the role of Coordinator to fulfill our collective purpose.  I look forward to the unfolding of our collective vision as we create this exciting adventure!

Diane ♦ California - Southwest Counties Coordinator
(Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura)

As a native Californian, I’ve lived all over the Golden State.  Currently, I reside in mystical Ojai, nestled in a magical East-West valley (often referred to as Shangri-La from an old-time movie once filmed here).  Grew up within Northern California’s Silicon Valley influence in Los Gatos. Teaching was an early calling, however, I eventually ended up with an MBA and a technology-oriented and online information services background (and more) that started in the *early* days of personal computing. For years have been using “visioning tools” designing 2D & 3D “digital gardens” for residential landscape and hardscape contractors. My life’s interests took a dramatic 180-degree turn when I was hugged by an Angel.  After that memorable experience, a rapid spiritual growth journey ensued – filled with lots of spiritually transformative experiences and adventures -- prodigious esoteric & NDE reading and study, synchronicities, and unexpected twists and turns over the years.  It continues even now.

I’ve been holding a “vision,” dear to my heart for many years, in designing a unique set of “sacred spaces,” a Healing-Learning-Creativity Center that – using 3D technology -- demonstrates what Heaven on Earth can be, what it looks like, what it feels like, and how it anchors Divine energies into physicality. 

As a returning CC Coordinator – after taking a personal break – I greatly look forward to the continuing opportunity to serve as a USA Connecting Consciousness Coordinator for the Central Coast and Southern California counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Kern.  Love hearing about all CC member stories, visions, aspirations and just being part of a greater group facilitating the manifestation of all our inspired dreams and potential humanitarian projects.

Nathalie ♦ California - LA County Coordinator

Born and raised in France, I moved to Los Angeles CA in 1999. I love this city, its diversity and richness of cultures. My career started as a graphic designer, working with advertising agencies and some TV productions. About 15 years ago, life brought me to change career and I joined a friend to start a hospitality business school with an MBA program for international students. 

I have been a seeker of truth and spirituality for as long as I can remember. However, around 2012 I started a deep dive into the reality of our world and expanded my knowledge in all directions. From frequency to sacred geometry, secret space programs and aliens, government agendas, ancient history... On this quest for knowledge, Simon was one of the earliest trusted people that I followed. I joined Connecting Consciousness in 2019 and became an Event Host. As the LA Coordinator, it is my honor and privilege to be at service to our community and for humanity at large.

Catherine ♦ California - Southeast Counties Coordinator
(Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego)

Born and raised in the Inland Empire, I began a career in Law Enforcement with Ontario Police Department in 1982. 1990 I became a Sr. Investigator with the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. In 1998 I was on duty and hit by an illegal alien and forced into medical retirement at age 35. This changed my whole world. Because of my back injuries I was told not to have children, so we adopted my son.

This threw me into my next role of Special Education Advocate.  My son and many others had learning disabilities and so I became involved with writing and filing compliance complaint reports against school districts and advocating for those that needed help. 

In 2020 my son graduated high school, and my next challenge became Recall Newsome which led me to SBGOP as the Election Integrity Director for 4 years.  I currently train people to be poll observers, ROV observers, Drop Box watchers, and clean up the voter rolls.  I am currently Director of Election Integrity through CRA. For the State of CA.  I have been a Delegate for the CA GOP and currently sit on District 2 Caucus for the Central Committee.

I became a member of Connecting Consciousness in 2021and by 2022 Became the Event Host for San Bernardino County. In 2023 I began the job of Community Service Organizer which I was very excited to be a part of. I am looking forward my new position in CC and furthering our goal of spreading Love & Light!

I have been involved with many grassroot organizations including MOMS Club, Chaffey Community Republican Women’s Federated, Patriot Force, and Rancho Cucamonga CRA to name a few. I am passionate about keeping my County, State and Country Constitutionally Conservative, upholding our laws, and returning God, family and Justice to our world.

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